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Your First Massage? Here's What to Expect.

Before Your Massage


Please allow time to relax before a massage. A warm shower or bath can help you relax and calm down. This will help soften your muscles, making your massage more pliable. Massage Relaxation Therapeutic Hot Stone

It is recommended not to eat or drink right before a massage. Try to use the restroom before you come to help expedite service.

If you are getting a massage for the first time, arrive 10 minutes early because you need to fill out a form about your medical history,  and read over our welcome letter.

Questions you should be prepared to answer may include:

Are you under the care of a doctor? If yes, what medical condition are your doctors treating? Are you currently taking any medications? If yes, what are you taking? Have you had any surgeries in the past? Why did you come for massage therapy? What results do you expect?

You should understand that massage therapy is not intended as a substitute for a medical examination or a workout session. The session is not designed to diagnose any medical condition, offer a medical treatment, or prescribe medications. Massage Therapists are not allowed to diagnosed any medical conditions.

You should also understand that a massage should not be done when certain medical conditions exists, and that your massage therapist needs to know the basics of your medical conditions in order to determine if you receive a massage.

Massage therapy helps many people to relax, reduce muscle tension and help you feel better. Massage therapy should not be expected to cure pain and illness. For these types of conditions you should see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment plan. Ask your doctor if massage therapy can be of benefit to you.

Massage therapy is usually very safe to have done. However, people with certain medical conditions should not have a massage. If you have a contradindication to massage on your visit, you will ask to be rescheduled.  If you would like a massage and you have a contraindication, a script / note from your doctor will be required.

During Your Massage


The therapist will go over their routine with you before they leave the room. If you do not want a certain area worked on, please let the therapist know.

The therapist will leave the room while you undress. Undress to your level of comfort. People are usually massaged without clothing, while covered with a sheet. It is your decision whether you want to completely undress. Whatever you decide, you will always be appropriately covered and draped during your massage.

You should remove any jewelry that might interfere with your massage. Please secure your valuables with your clothes so that you do not forget anything.

After you undress, you will lie down on the massage table with the sheet over you. The massage table is padded and has a special face rest. You will have a few moments to relax before the therapist enters the room. Take deep breathes, clear your mind, and listen to the music.

The therapist will knock on the door to make sure you are ready before coming in. The therapist may adjust the face cradle or use a bolster for support during the session.

It is important to tell your therapist what you like or do not like. If your therapist is using too much pressure, let then know right away. There is no way for the therapist to known what you are feeling. This is your massage. Don't be afraid to speak up.

You may feel more comfortable talking during your massage. If so, go ahead and talk or ask questions. If you would rather just close your eyes and relax, that’s fine too. It is all right to sigh or breathe deeply during a massage. Taking deep breaths helps you to relax, which makes the massage more effective. Your massage therapist will not initate any conversation.

Massage works best when you are relaxed. Relax and let the therapist do the work. If you resist, your therapist may ask you to relax and take it easy. Do not think about your worries. Just focus on relaxing and enjoying the massage. Your therapist may shake the limb they are working to help the muscles relax.

You might realize an area of your body is sore and painful and you may have not noticed it before. Tell the therapist so they can work on the area.

A few minutes before the end of your session, the therapist will leave the room so you can redress. Take you time getting up. Some people feel dizzy after a massage. Sit up slowly and rest for 30 seconds or so before you stand up. You may feel congested after the session. If  you are, please let your therapist know.

After Your Massage

Your massage therapist will recommend that you drink water after your massage. Drinking plenty of water is always good for your body. This is especially true after a massage session because water helps flush out the muscle toxins.

You will probably feel relaxed after your massage. You will also probably have improved range of motion in your joints. These effects of massage are usually short-term.

Massage therapy should not be a replacement for regular exercise, good nutrition and other ways to reduce stress that produce long-term effects.


You will be asked if you would like to reschedule. We suggest scheduling at the end of the session to get the appointment time that works for you. The schedule books up quickly.


© 2015 - 2024 Knots In Knead, LLC.

All rights reserved. 

Copy and/or distribution in any form is prohibited.

We are conveniently located inside at 55 New St Suite E1 Ephrata, PA 17522. We provide massage therapy for clients in the following areas: Ephrata, Lititz, Akron, Lancaster, and other outlying towns.

Business Policies

In my commitment to provide a unique and outstanding massage experience to all of my clients and out of consideration for other client's time, as well as my own, Knots in Knead Massage Therapy have adopted the following business policies.

Professional Affiliations

ABMP Member Knots in Knead Massage Therapy Lititz, PA 17543



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